Sunday, April 29, 2012

True love!

Dance with me till the end of time ... I hope one day when I am old and grown this is my husband and I dancing away! Still acting like we were young in love :) My biggest dream and goal is to have a young spirited love until I die and forever on! :) This is one of the most priceless pictures I am sure these two will ever have especially for generations after them.. Shows true meaning of love.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Lady Bug!

Lady bug treats! How cute! Sometimes I wish that I could use some of these great ideas from pinterest. Maybe I need to just create the times when I can for myself. This is such a cute idea!
Lady bug pretzels

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nail polish + Keys = Who woulda thought

This is an awesome idea! Keeps you organized too! I love this idea. I gotta do this soon! I have so many keys but have trouble remembering what they all go to! It is cute too!
gotta do it.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Summer Outfit!

Day, created by alysha-rutledge on PolyvoreThis is the perfect summer outfit! I wouldn't wear those shorts but other than that I love everything else. I love that the necklace is emerald. It is perfect to pull out a different color. The pearl earings are an excellent addition as well.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fun skirt!

This is so cute! I love the colors and different styles and designs on it. The tie on it is what really gets me though. This is perfect for summer with some cute toms.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Opal/Diamond ring

I have an obsession with opal! I think it is just one the of the prettiest most gorgeous stones on the face of this Earth! If I could I would wear it every day.... Well now I can!! I didn't know that they made engagement rings out of opal! I am now in love with this ring! Hopefully my loving boyfriend will get it for me one day :)

Beautiful right?? Oh I know! I'm in love :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Leather bag

I can definitely not afford this now but I love that leather bags are in now. This is such a cute bag for school. If i wasn't in college and able to freely spend my money I would purchase this in a heartbeat it is very stylish. Perfect for summer semester too!
Fossil Women`s Carson ZB5056 Cross Body,Charcoal,One Size $88.00 @Amazon